Author Help
Submitting Conference Papers

Authors should now be ready to submit conference papers. After submitting the profile form, participants should be sent login details and a confirmation of registration to their stated Email address. These login details will be used at the login page. After using the login name and password, authors can access the paper submission page.

Firstly they must choose a category from the drop-down menu. They must then fill in the fields; Paper Type (i.e. short, long or abstract) and Paper Title. After filling in these details, the author will attach the conference paper by clicking the "browse button" shown above, and retrieving the file from the appropriate directory. Note The CATaC system only enables documents with the following extensions to be submitted: " .pdf " .doc Once the author has retrieved the appropriate document they click on the "upload" button to send their paper to the CATaC system. The author has now completed the conference paper uploading session and has only to wait for the results from the reviewers, which will be sent to them through email.

Send an email to if you are still experiencing problems