The biennial conference series on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication aims to provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge research on how diverse cultural attitudes shape the implementation and use of information and communication technologies. The conference series brings together scholars from around the globe who provide diverse perspectives, both in terms of the specific culture(s) they highlight in their presentations and discussions, and in terms of the discipline(s) through which they approach the conference theme.

The first conference in the series was held in London, UK, in 1998. The second conference was held in Perth, Australia, in 2000. The third conference was held in Montreal, Canada, in 2002. The fourth conference will be held in 2004 in Karlstad, Sweden. 

Contact Co-Chairs:

Charles Ess
Director, Interdisciplinary Studies Center
Drury University
900 N Benton Ave, Springfield MO 65802,  USA
Tel: +1-417-873-7230
Fax: +1-417-873-7435

Fay Sudweeks

School of Information Technology
Murdoch University
Murdoch WA 6150 Australia
Tel:: +61-8-9360-2364
Fax: +61-8-9360-2941