
All submissions will be peer reviewed by an international panel of scholars and researchers. There will be the opportunity for selected papers to appear in special issues of journals and a book. Papers in previous conferences have appeared in, for example, the Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication, AI and Society, Javnost- The Public, and New Media and Society. A book, Culture, Technology, Communication: Towards an Intercultural Global Village, edited by Charles Ess with Fay Sudweeks, SUNY Press, New York, is due for release in July 2001. This book includes a number of papers that were presented at the first CATaC conference.

Final submissions are to be emailed to as an attachment and formatted according to guidelines. Accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings only if at least one author presents the paper at the conference.

Download the guidelines (Word document or RTF format) and an accompanying zipped template (dot).


Full papers     15 March 2002
Short papers (~3-5 formatted pages) 29 March 2002
Notification of acceptance 5 April 2002
Final formatted papers 26 April 2002